Here is my life which exists on paper. A new day, an old page. Enjoy.

26 September 2008

Today, My Thumb Will Be My Pen

1 comment:

vs ∞ said...

July 14, 2006

no surface to write on.
today, my thumb will be my pen.
dumbfound. it's not even close
to being tragic. traffic. serenity
comes from the machines...
does it not? ask permission to
steal a piece of something that
is dear to me. no one cares
anyway. no one should because all
beauty is fragile & corrupt.
thief of my soul... bury me
deep so that I have no control.
drive, be my shell and airbag
to free me. soon. someday.
recollect. stir. speak free. flow.

emote of fluxuality. virgin
virgin be aware. rid your
filthy mind and concuss to
the extremities of total
exhaustion. why wait? live free.
extend to the heights unknown
and embrace mystery. crawl.
flee. chase the black as if
apocalypse was bliss in action.