Here is my life which exists on paper. A new day, an old page. Enjoy.

31 March 2010

People Have Their Hang Ups

1 comment:

vs ∞ said...

17 04 09

people have their hang ups. during these times, 4
dangerous & deadly walls enclose
on a person. these four walls create a
room that is filled with comfortable &
cozy things. A person in this room certainly
is enticed in relation to what is outside of
this seemingly safe haven. a peep hole is made
with an ice pick. this is made to secure
the person that there are still people around
& that the world has not gone & abandoned
like a banana in a fridge, this would
cause a person to rot. in their own
little cave. but it seems so safe inside,
it's so comfortable & familiar here....

but of course, there is a ying to the
yang. the importance is finding the
balance. shit happens. everything
is temporary. life is random & unexpected.
anything can happen. it's a survival
skill to celebrate life during
difficult times. at all times.