Here is my life which exists on paper. A new day, an old page. Enjoy.

20 December 2009

I Moved Into A New Place

1 comment:

vs ∞ said...

15 06 08

i moved into a new place
by myself. i twas huge. with a
courtyard & a front gate.
the house came with a glass case of three statues.
the first one was a warrior woman. (green)
the second was a goblin man (green)
the third was a grey blue jaanese man dragon.
if i pulled this lever on the right,
the guardians would awake one by one.
first the last.
the first was awake.
then the second was starting to wake
when there was a party at my house & the
cops were coming cause it got too rowdy.
the second was grouchy.
i never got to see the third one awake.