Here is my life which exists on paper. A new day, an old page. Enjoy.

24 December 2009

I Tore Off Some Wall

1 comment:

vs ∞ said...

12 november 2008

i tore off some wall.
the room was pitch black.
my brother's room.
upon hearing violent buzzing,
i sprayed the threatening hole
with clean artificial air until
silence resurrected.
with artificial light, I brighted
the insectual war zone.
there lay three bees.
saddness ensued onto these three
very dead, honey makers.

there were two corpses on the wall
to the left, & one supine on the floor
of the nested hole.

there were three ports.
laced with honeycomb.

i thought of suckling on
these sweets but my guilt
dissuaded me.

I must keep these safe.

the portals which enabled the
yellow striped fellows transports
flowed gases from one room to another.
they went on & on.
& more bees to come.