Here is my life which exists on paper. A new day, an old page. Enjoy.

15 December 2009

Too Bad For Long Beginnings


1 comment:

vs ∞ said...

11 may 2009

too bad for long beginnings.
you are a black and white kitten
i knew it all along.
i watched beauty & the beast the other day
and i enjoyed it's skeletons.
what are you looking at, kyle?
I am not going to entertain you
shitty handwriting.
I can't bare stand look at your face.
with these smoking eyes.
where are your mothers
bring in the lulzinator
angry tantrum dies!!!!!!!!!
why is it that when i brink i want meat.
hello carol.
trains keep on stopping
red lipstick
pantry for seven hours
i am slipping
jonathan du
i have to go to taiwan
i miss you a lot
a lot

(wasted on the subway)